Thursday, March 1, 2012

Italy said, "Let's devour that big chunk of pie called Ethiopia!"

In December 1934, the Ethiopian patrol clashed with an Italian garrison at the Welwel oasis in the Ogaden, an oasis clearly within Ethiopian territory. "Italians used the attack as proof of Ethiopian perfidy and began to strengthen their forces in their East African colonies." (A)While Rome was seriously planning for the war, Haile Selassie got frightened and appealed to the League of Nations(April, 1936), which in turn, caused alarm in Great Britain and France.

League of Nations pondered. If they did not help, it would destroy the League as a viable institution. (Ethiopia brought the affair before the Council on September 4th) At the end, the European strong powers did not help for few reasons. If they helped Ethiopia, it would have resulted  in bad relationship with Italy, and further incur Italian wrath; it would have threatened the recently created united front against Germany(against Adolf Hitler).

As the result, Ethiopians persuaded to discuss the Walwal incident with Italy according to 1928 Treaty. However, Mussolini used delay tactics to prevent any meaningful discussion.

Despite the uncertainty of what Great Britain's role would be, Mussolini decided to move ahead. His army positioned, and on October 3, 1935, it moved into Ethiopia. With this act, the League branded Italy the aggressor, and voted to impose economic sanctions. Unfortunately, Britain was still unsure about their actions and France was afraid to get Italy's wrath. They could not do anything as a whole, and at the end, oil and food was continuously supplied to Mussolini's army. League of Nations fell apart later, because they could not do anything together.
On October 2nd, 1935, Italian army crossed the frontier. Then, Haile Selassie ordered the army to prepare.
On May 5th, Pietro Badoglio(commander of Italian forces in Ethiopia) entered Addis Ababa, the capital. Four days later, the nation was proclaimed as new Italian empire. (B)

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